Got Ticks? 
There is nothing dear about our adversary, the deer tick, or his related buddies. Many people spray and utilize other means to resist them (like moving to the Bronx). However, what are some less extreme measures than spraying chemicals? (I like the Bronx.) You may find yourself enjoying the great outdoors in a place where you are not the property owner, and hence have less control over the tick control. Should you armor up like IRON MAN?You could. People might think you are a bit touched though.
Example of Tick Control Overkill.
Here is one simple tip, and it works. It may come across as slightly less than cool, but I mean, how cool is getting Lyme Disease? Simply tuck your pants into your socks. (Ankle socks won't work.) This works well because Mr Ticky can't seem to penetrate the sock/pant leg barrier. (Remember, Mr Ticky isn't packing a huge brain.) However under normal circumstances Mr Ticky can become Mr Tricky (Mr Slicky) and sneak right up your leg when the pant leg is exposed. Not good.
Now, as a guy who does this in my backyard garden, the hand me down boots from a friend's high school kid and my Wal-Mart socks are fine. Style is not an issue. If you are a kid though, have one of your parents do it, so that you look less uncool. If a bunch of people are all doing it on a hike, then you become the cool majority. If you are under 10 years of age that last sentence will probably mean nothing to you. That's actually a good thing.
In conclusion: Tuck in your pants! In less time than it took to read this blog you could have protected you and your kids.
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